How to achieve Two-Way Data Binding in Angular with ngModel ?
Two-way Data Binding in Angular allows you to automatically synchronize data between a component class property and an input element (e.g., an input field) in your template. To achieve this binding, it’s typically used with Angular [(ngModel)]  directive. This is basically the combination of the Property Binding & the Event Binding, which helps to communicate in a two-way manner between the property in the component and a user interface element, such as an input field....
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How to create and send POST requests in Postman?
Postman is an API(application programming interface) development tool which helps to build, test and modify APIs. It can make various types of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), saving environments for later use, and convert save the API to code for various languages(like JavaScript, and Python). In this article, we will learn how you create and send GET requests in Postman....
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JavaScript Program to Find Second Largest Element in an Array
Finding the second largest element in an array in JavaScript involves sorting the array in descending order and then accessing the element at index 1. Alternatively, you can iterate through the array to identify the second-largest element manually....
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Todo List Application using MERN
Todo list web application using MERN stack is a project that basically implements basic CRUD operation using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React JS). The users can read, add, update, and delete their to-do list in the table using the web interface. The application gives a feature to the user to add a deadline to their task so that it user can be reminded of the last day to complete the project...
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TypeScript Capitalize <StringType> Utility Type
In this article, we are going to learn about Capitalize<StringType> Template Literal Type in Typescript. TypeScript is a popular programming language used for building scalable and robust applications. One of the features of Typescript is Capitalize<StringType> Template Literal Type which is a built-in utility type that helps with string manipulation. It helps to capitalize the first letter of each word in a given StringType....
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TypeScript Generic Parameter Defaults
TypeScript Generic Parameter Defaults are used to specify default values for generic type parameters in order to provide a fallback type when a type argument is not explicitly provided during instantiation. This allows you to make your generic types more flexible and easier to use in situations where type inference may not be straightforward....
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TypeScript ConstructorParameters<Type> Utility Type
The TypeScript ConstructorParameters<Type> utility type extracts parameter types from a constructor function Type. It helps define functions that create instances of classes with correct constructor arguments, and It allows you to access and use the types of constructor function parameters. enhancing type safety....
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Create a Password Strength Checker using HTML CSS and JavaScript
This project aims to create a password strength checker using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that is going to be responsible for checking the strength of a password for the user’s understanding of their password strength by considering the length of the password which will be that the password should contain at least 8 characters and the other is that the password should contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character....
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How to generate Components in a specific folder with Angular CLI ?
Angular CLI is a command-line interface tool. Angular applications can be directly created, initialized, developed, and maintained using the command shell provided by CLI. Angular CLI facilitates to generate any number of components in the application, & by default, the Components are generated inside the app folder in the source(src) directory....
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How to add dropdown search bar in Bootstrap?
A dropdown search bar in Bootstrap combines a text input field with a dropdown menu, providing users with options to select from while allowing them to input custom search queries. It enhances user experience by offering both flexibility and convenience....
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TypeScript Call Signatures
TypeScript Call Signatures within an object type to describe objects that are callable, meaning they can be invoked like functions, but they may also have properties. This is a powerful feature that allows you to create objects that act as both functions and containers for data. These objects are often referred to as “callable objects.”...
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Create a Pagination using HTML CSS and JavaScript
In this article, we will create a working pagination using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Pagination, a widely employed user interface­ pattern, serves the purpose of dividing extensive­ data or content into more manageable­ portions. It allows users the ability to effortle­ssly navigate through numerous content pages, facilitating their search for specific information....
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